
Wandervogel Diary

Comforting Boy

In this time since my stroke, I have been devoting considerable time and attention to the meaning of life. You may be disappointed in my landing-place, maybe not, but I think it boils down to two things in the end: survival and compassion.

Why do some people make it and others don’t? Why are some people happy and others are not?

We are fascinated by people who die young. We hold them up as gods. Flying aces and rock stars who die in their 20s. Composers and movie stars who die in their 30s. My own wife died in her 40s. They all died before they made mistakes, filled their rooms with methane, and became failures by conventional ways of thinking. They died before they were fully tested and really lived. They died with success at their fingertips and potential at the tips of their tongues.

Compassion–Ahimsa in Hinduism,

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Nothing Against Women

I may be a native Hoosier, but I ain’t got nothing against women.

Just because I am involved in three lawsuits involving females is no indication that I could be a “woman-hater.” In fact, I have a wonderful 30 year-old daughter, fifty-something ex, and no dating girlfriends to speak of…

I was raised well by my Mom and Grandma. I have nothing more than great respect for all women no matter what kind of education, personal history, health problems, driving disabilities, gender orientation, dietary preferences, poor application of make-up, shoe size, or amount of money they have in their wallet.

Regardless, when one objectively looks at my professional and legal history – there is no doubt that it has been women causing the problems and not being able to handle making reasonable solutions. Thus, in such cases the women should be held responsible in a court of law for their wrongdoings.

Enough said for now.

May God help us and save the sanity of our Country.

I have recently thought many times lately that I can not spend a dollar in this town without a woman saying that it is OK. Oh Lord have mercy on us all!

 = = = =

copyright MMXIII

Max’s Scout Services & Communications of the Americas, LLC

[ for musement only ]